Photoshop Object Box 3D Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Object Box 3D
Create a 3D Software Box in Photoshop Using Actions Photoshop,97 Images, 2200 words
Actions can be used to quickly automate repetitive tasks. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to create an action that will automatically create a 3D software box from a flat template. Our first step is creating an action to create the canvas t..

How To Design a 3D Wooden Box in Photoshop Photoshop,40 Images, 1398 words
In this Photoshop tutorial, you'll learn to make a Wooden Box with a realistic touch. Create a new 300 300 px white backgrounded document in Photoshop.You can change the size of document if you want but keep the height to width ratio same (1:1). Use ..

How to design 3D Box in Photoshop Photoshop,35 Images, 1027 words
Today we are going to learn some Photoshop commands and techniques. In today's Tutorial we will be designing 3D Food Box in Photoshop. The box would be having 3D look. We will be designing 3 sides of the box and then adjusting these to make 3D look. ..

Designing a 3D Software Box in Photoshop Photoshop,11 Images, 1611 words
In this tutorial, we are going to create a 3D software box using Photoshop. It's rather simple but the results can be quite realistic, providing a creative way of going about and creating box designs for your own personal use. Before starting this tu..

Create a 3D Open or Filled Wooden Box Photoshop,20 Images, 713 words
1. Create a new document that's 550 400 pixels, using the rectangle tool draw a box shape. Double click the layer to go into Blending Options > gradient Overlay and put in the following colours: 2. While holding down the ctrl key click on the rectang..

3D EBook Box Cover Video Tutorial Photoshop,2 Images, 113 words
Produce an eBook cover or just a fake software box for your website that looks absolutely awesome, extremely quickly and very easily just like the one above. Photoshop Answers is a new website that provides answers to the most frequently asked Photos..

3D Software Box Photoshop,12 Images, 83 words
1. Start with a 380 pixel x 468 pixel design. A fter I made my design, I merged the layers. 2. Use the marquee tool, holding shift to make an equal 54pixel x 54 pixel cutout on the top left corner. 3. You can copy this simple box shape and create a n..

Pseudo-3D Boxes Photoshop,7 Images, 805 words
Whether you are showing off a virtual product or just want to demonstrate your commercial design flair, a 3D box can always add a little something special. Rather than go through all the trouble of rendering it in a 3D program and importing it, howe..

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